AdRev is nothing more than an extortionist scheme. They don't create anything. They collect fees from creators of every genre to "protect" them. They take money from the music creators, then they find so-called violations by using YouTube's Content ID system to detect copyrighted material in YouTube videos. It doesn't matter that the user of this music in their video has a license to use it. Without warning, AdRev redirects monetization to themselves as named copyright owners, not the original copyright owner, then takes a percentage of the monetization. Sure the music creator will get some revenue from AdRev, but I've already paid the music creator via the license I purchased to use this music, royalty-free in perpetuity according to my license agreement. Sure, I can dispute, but it takes at least 30 days for any response and in that time I am no longer receiving revenue for the content I created with a license. That's only for a response to my claim. Then the arguments begin. All with no revenue to my content. Then on top of that, If I want to be on the AdRev's "white list" I can certainly pay a monthly subscription to be on that list as to not be flagged for any licensed content I may be using. AdRev figures if they don't get their piece of monetization from "protecting" the music creator, they can then collect a "subscription" from me to protect me from them. That's racketeering at best.
I guess from now on, or until I can find a way to not be harassed in this manner, I just will create my own music for my videos.