Monday, December 23, 2019

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Saturday, December 7, 2019

RIP Shootin'Dog Oct 6, 2006 - Dec 6, 2019

Dec 6, 2019. (Yesterday as I write this.)
Wow, this is a tough day as was yesterday. I'm struggling to write this. Yesterday, Shootin Dog suffered either a seizure, TIA, or stroke. She lost quite a bit of control of her back right leg and was exhibiting nystagmus or eyes that were shaking back and forth. Clearly, something neurological was going on. Her health has been steadily declining for the last 2 years with increased arthritis and the onset of Cushing's syndrome. But in the last 6 months, there had been a dramatic change and certainly, in the last 2 weeks, she was moving quite a bit more slowly. More physical discomfort. But in spite of all that she was so eager to please.  When this episode occurred yesterday, it was clear to both my wife (Shootin Gal) and myself that it was time to relieve Shootin Dog of the pain of this world. This was very painful for me, as it was for Shooting Gal and certainly Shooting Kid.

Shootin Dog, or we called her Bella, because she was a very pretty dog, was very loved. Devoted to my wife and a very good protector of the family and our home. My steady canine companion when we'd go out to the woods or all the things we'd do out of doors. She did love to chase the wild rabbits we had in the yard. She even caught a few. Oh and what rat catcher too. We nick-named her "Critter Gitter". #shootindogcrittergitter She was a rescue from the pound at 6 months old (best calculation) on Friday, April 6, 2007. Shootin Gal saw her and had to have her. Best choice for sure. What a great dog!

She was a loyal companion. Irreplaceable. Loved. Now we add, very missed.

I'm a little lost today. I wish I could say I was stronger than this. It doesn't seem so at the moment.

It's not fair that dogs can't live healthy just a little longer. It is, however, our job to steward over them. I understand that.

I hope to see Bella again when we all are reunited with our Lord in the paradise he is preparing for us. In the meantime, pictures and memories will have to do.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday, November 29, 2019

Making gifts

Hoping your Thanksgiving was wonderful.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Name that caliber!

After about 7 years, people still enjoy playing. We did a short series a few years ago on our YouTube Channel called "Name That Caliber!" 

You can find the playlist here:

I wonder what happened to #5?

Some have gotten hung up on#3
Here's an image that may help with some of this.

Afterward, go back to #3 and place your answer. What do you win? The satisfaction learning something. Thanks for playing for all these years!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Friday, November 8, 2019

What to do with a dull knife

Life is filled with challenges!

Friday, November 1, 2019

The ultimate DIY

If you want to try to take on a very special DIY, try this!:
Get the parts here:
and here: and here:
Stop by http//

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Best knife sharpener

This little gem does come in handy!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Could gender identity actually be medically harmfull?

My wife recently had an appointment with her doctor for a simple annual followup. When she came out of the appointment he texted me this:

W: Wow. What incredibly stupid questions asked at the dr office. My sexual orientation what I identify as. Used to be taboo to ask ethnicity now they want your sexual life. Time to find a new dr. 

ME: I’m not advocating the doc or those questions at all, I just wonder, could it be those types of behaviors that can have an effect on your health and therefore knowing helps in how to treat a patient? All the more need for strict doc patient confidentiality and to get a grip on your gender.

ME; I can see the commercials now:  "... don’t take DopperEnz if you experience chest pains, are being treated for high blood pressure or occasional gender identity confusion. These conditions could interfere with DopperEnz and certain side effects could be more pronounced and in certain cases, even death could occur..."

Just why are they asking these questions these days? Could there actually be a link between your sexual orientation choices and your health from a medical standpoint?

I have no problem knowing what gender I am. My DNA tells me and most importantly, it's how God created me. To want to be some gender other than your DNA dictates tells me there is a much deeper rooted issue.  And those issues could lead to medically detrimental consequences.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Friday, September 20, 2019

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Friday, September 6, 2019

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Constitution. Under attack. Again.

It's coming from a Presidential candidate. "Folks, don't apologize at all about the Second Amendment," said Joe Biden at a recent public forum, explaining how the amendment allows for limitations and he feels people who want to preserve the constitution, make things up. "These guys will tell you, ‘the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots.' Give me a break."
What Joe Biden is forgetting is that's a quote from Thomas Jefferson. Biden has stated previously how Jefferson is one of his favorite presidents. Why is Joe disparaging the idea that the Second Amendment exists to resist tyranny? Then Biden states: "It violates no one’s Second Amendment right to say that you can’t own certain weapons," Wrong again. -...shall not be infringed-.
This week, Biden declared that the “Second Amendment exists but that it does not say everyone is “entitled” to own a gun". Joe Biden missed it again. it is our 2nd Amendment Right. This is what Merriam Webster says of the word- Right
: something to which one has a just claim: such as the power or privilege to which one is justly entitled. 

Here's something to remember:

Friday, August 30, 2019

I'm looking for a synchronous electric motor. With your parts expertise would you know where I could find a replacement? I've tried the manufacturer of the item it comes from and they no longer support the parts for the machine. Then I went on the lookout all over the internet and can't find just the right one. Either the wattage is wrong or rpm is either faster or slower or the shaft is the wrong dimension. The darn nylon gear gave way due to age and it's useless. All the rest of the machine works just fine. The darn thing failed over a $10 part. Well, I guess I did get 20 years of use out of it. Pictures are here. Specs are on the motor in the picture.

Priceless Pakistan knife

Monday, August 12, 2019

True for You but Not for Me

Individual truth denies there is a universal truth. Yet if everyone has individual truth isn't that true for everyone?

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Thursday, August 1, 2019


We must work hard to always tell the truth. Verify what you hear as truth and question it. Don't perpetuate a misquote. There are so many things we've been told by "experts" that are vague examples at best and downright misleading lies at worst that get perpetuated and turned in to some sort of truism. With the advent of the internet, these nontruths get passed on very quickly and 'if it's on the internet and everybody says it, it must be true', will be the bane of this generation. Things are misquoted and passed on as the actual quote. As an example, we've heard the phrase, "Play it again, Sam", and it's attributed to Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) in the movie, Casablanca. Well, Blaine never said that, yet we believe he did because someone misquotes it and confuses it with a title of a goofy movie by Woody Allen and we pass it on. Another example? Here's a twisted truth. Bible Misquote- Money is the root of all evil. It's misquoted and the truth is twisted. Read it for yourself- 1 Timothy 6:10. It's like the game, Telephone. It gets mistold every time it's passed on, but for some reason, unlike the game, it settles in on a misheard misquote and its planted there forever. Until someone like you tells the truth. There is a force at work that wants to twist the truth and present something to you that just isn't so. Fight against it. There is no "my truth" as is stated these days. If that were so, then there are many truths and therefore there is no truth. That's another one that will destroy mankind. There is only "The Truth" and you must find it because "The truth will set you free". What is the truth? John 14:6 tells us. We must have only one standard, and test everything we hear and are tempted to say against that one standard, that one truth.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Friday, July 26, 2019

Oak Apples, what are they?

Here are a few examples of the galls you might find on the Live Oak tree. They too are created by a gall wasp.  They are decidedly different than what you find on a Red Oak. The enzymes secreted from the wasp react differently on the Live Oak than the Red Oak. Fascinating.

Live Oak gall mid branch
Live Oak gall created at leaf bud.

Friday, July 12, 2019

12 Survivors Hand Pump Water Purifier Manual

For those asking, here's a copy of the manual. It will satisfy all your 12 Survivors Hand Pump Water Purifier manual reading desires. Enjoy.

Friday, July 5, 2019

We didn't start a fire

Well, it works! But then...

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Taking a Break CT #16

Share this with everyone you know!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Which is better, 8Cr13MoV or D2?

The new CRKT RipSnort is now made from D2 Steel. What's the difference?

D2 Steel - This steel This is not technically Stainless, but Tool Steel. However, it Because of this it has good rust resistance. It is much tougher than most stainless steels, but not as tough as most of the other tool steel. This steel does have excellent wear resistance. It has great edge retention but can be very difficult to sharpen. This is also a tough material to mirror polish, so it you will almost never see it that way. Its carbon content is 1.50-1.60%.has a high chromium content, just less than what might classify it as stainless steel.
8Cr13MoV Steel - This steel is a popular budget brand of knife steel, which is made in China. It's considered Stainless Steel. In its composition this steel is close to the Japanese steel of AUS-8 grade. 8Cr13MoV steel at its low cost demonstrates very worthy characteristics of cutting. At suitable heat treatment of steel the products made of 8Cr13MoV steel retain for a long time the sharpness of the cutting edge and have a very good corrosion resistance. The range of steel hardness is indicated int eh chart below.

Click here to get even more info and to buy one for yourself!

Here is a breakdown of elements that compose many knife steels:
Carbon (C)
Contributes: Hardness, Edge Retention. You’ll find carbon in every form of steel. Essentially, it’s the element that turns the basic metal iron into steel and plays a huge part in the hardening process. Generally with increased levels of carbon you get a harder steel, improved tensile strength, edge retention and overall resistance to wear. Knife steels are typically described as “high carbon” if they contain more than 0.5% carbon and these generally what you want to look for in a knife steel. However, if manufacturers go over the top with too much carbon it can make the steel brittle and also increases proneness to corrosion.
Chromium (Cr)
Contributes: Corrosion Resistance. By adding chromium to the steel it increases the resistance to oxidation and corrosion in general. To be classified as “Stainless Steel” there should be at least 13% chromium (you’ll see others quote 11% or 12% but 13% is a safe bet). Chromium is the key driver for carbide formation which lowers brittleness but also adversely impacts edge retention. In addition to improving the resistance to corrosion, chromium also improves hardenability and tensile strength. Still, every steel is going to corrode if left out in the elements for a prolonged period. Note also that too much chromium can reduce toughness.
Molybdenum (Mo)
Contributes: Toughness. Molybdenum will increase toughness which reduces the liklihood of chipping. It also allows the steel to maintain its strength at high temperatures which helps with how easy a blade is to produce in the factory. Like chromium it is a driver of carbide formation but is used typically in small relative quantities.
Nickel (Ni)
Contributes: Toughness. Some manufacturers have chosen to add small quantities of Nickel to increase toughness and strength especially at low temperatures which basically limits distortion and cracking during the quenching phase of heat treatment. Many knife makers claim it also reduces corrosion but that is often disputed.
Vanadium (V)
Contributes: Toughness, Wear Resistance. Vanadium is another element similar to Molybdenum that promotes carbide formation (the hardest of all) and it adds wear resisting properties to steels. Perhaps more importantly, vanadium produces a very fine grain during the steel’s heat treatment process which improves overall toughness. Some of the ultra-premium steels contain relatively high levels of vanadium and allow for a super sharp edge.
Cobalt (Co)
Contributes: Hardness. Adding very small amounts of cobalt can allow for quenching (i.e. rapid cooling to achieve hardness) at higher temperatures and tends to boost the effects of other elements in the more complicated steels. It is not a carbide former in itself but certainly does promote the achievement of overall hardness.
Manganese (Mn)
Contributes: Hardenability, Strength, Wear Resistance. Another key element which assists with the hot working properties making the knife more stable during quenching. Manganese will contribute to increased hardness as well as tensile strength and resistance to wear and tear. As with anything that increases hardness, too much and the steel will be too brittle.
Silicon (Si)
Contributes: Hardenability, Strength. Silicon adds to overall strength similar to the effects of Manganese, making the manufacture of the steel far more stable. However, the real value of Silicon is in de-oxidation and de-gasifying to remove oxygen. Oxygen is unwelcomed in steel production because it leads to blowholes or pitting.
Niobium (Nb)
Contributes: Toughness, Wear Resistance, Corrosion Resistance. Niobium is a grain refiner and powerful carbide former. It is used to aid fine grain structure which helps to improve the wear resistance and prevent chipping. Arguably the best known knife steel that capitalized on Niobium is CPM-S35VN which combined with carbon, introduced niobium carbides to aid wear resistance and edge chipping. The result is formidable edge retention.

How much does it cost to raise chickens? and How do feel about you my viewers?

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Friday, May 3, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

Monday, April 1, 2019

This just in from PSA!

Due to a recent ruling that a California judge struck down the ban of 30 round magazines, Palmetto State Armory legal team has given them the green light to ship 30 round magazines to CA! 

Even if you're not in CA, take a look at today's offerings at Palmetto State Armory and take advantage of them! 

Use this link->

Magpul PMAG 30 5.56x45mm Magazine, Black (30 Round Capacity) - MAG571-BLK
30 round Mags. The "normal" capacity

Friday, March 29, 2019

Hysteria! It just isn't real.

All this about how things are going to be "over" in 12 years if we don't pass the Green New Deal. Oh my goodness, stop it, please.
Here's what was said 30 years ago!
I guess Venezuela is in hurt, but it's not Global Warming, it's Socialism! Kinda what the Green New Deal represents. -Sigh. 

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Eureka vacuum cleaner repair updated!

See how the story ends!

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Friday, January 25, 2019

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Thursday, January 3, 2019