Saturday, December 7, 2019

RIP Shootin'Dog Oct 6, 2006 - Dec 6, 2019

Dec 6, 2019. (Yesterday as I write this.)
Wow, this is a tough day as was yesterday. I'm struggling to write this. Yesterday, Shootin Dog suffered either a seizure, TIA, or stroke. She lost quite a bit of control of her back right leg and was exhibiting nystagmus or eyes that were shaking back and forth. Clearly, something neurological was going on. Her health has been steadily declining for the last 2 years with increased arthritis and the onset of Cushing's syndrome. But in the last 6 months, there had been a dramatic change and certainly, in the last 2 weeks, she was moving quite a bit more slowly. More physical discomfort. But in spite of all that she was so eager to please.  When this episode occurred yesterday, it was clear to both my wife (Shootin Gal) and myself that it was time to relieve Shootin Dog of the pain of this world. This was very painful for me, as it was for Shooting Gal and certainly Shooting Kid.

Shootin Dog, or we called her Bella, because she was a very pretty dog, was very loved. Devoted to my wife and a very good protector of the family and our home. My steady canine companion when we'd go out to the woods or all the things we'd do out of doors. She did love to chase the wild rabbits we had in the yard. She even caught a few. Oh and what rat catcher too. We nick-named her "Critter Gitter". #shootindogcrittergitter She was a rescue from the pound at 6 months old (best calculation) on Friday, April 6, 2007. Shootin Gal saw her and had to have her. Best choice for sure. What a great dog!

She was a loyal companion. Irreplaceable. Loved. Now we add, very missed.

I'm a little lost today. I wish I could say I was stronger than this. It doesn't seem so at the moment.

It's not fair that dogs can't live healthy just a little longer. It is, however, our job to steward over them. I understand that.

I hope to see Bella again when we all are reunited with our Lord in the paradise he is preparing for us. In the meantime, pictures and memories will have to do.

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