Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The Senate is heading toward the most intense debate on gun control since the 1994 crime bill was passed.

< click the image to go to the video.

There is yet a criminal that would use the channels we are speaking about here to get a gun.  

How is a mentally ill person going to be stopped from getting a gun through this process, if there isn't a criminal record?

--1999-2009 1.8 mil blocked gun sales?
Majority of that was due to things like parking tickets, and other small traffic violations, vehicular accidents as well as lawsuit filings that occurred that put up a flag in the system because the person was being looked into starting with local law enforcement. This was not the FBI stopping the sale.

--For Pennsylvainia?
Well isn't that great for them. Let the state decide what is needed! Feds need to stay out of State business. In reality this just forbids me from giving my son a gun for his birthday without a record of transfer. (read registration). 

--And won't require record keeping by any private citizens.
What? Of course not. The Feds will keep all those records. 

--The bill would also create a commission "to study the causes of mass violence in the United States, looking at all aspects of the problem" including guns, school safety, violent video games and mental health.
MORE government. That's just great. And since when did legislating morality actually work? We can see how that stops people from robbing a bank, or selling drugs. No don't get me wrong, having a law that prohibits an immoral activity tells a lot about how the society may feel about it, but without a follow through with appropriate punishment (consequence) it's useless. They guy tat perpetrated the crime in Aurora CO, should have the book thrown at him, not sit around waiting to see if he qualifies for a punishment. I think the crime he committed, qualifies him just fine. Also in the case of a suicide after murder, I think people want to feel some justification so they turn on the ones who are innocent (you and me). It's like slapping the kid who didn't actually play with the matches, but because he's within arm's reach, he'll do.

--"We strengthen rights of law-abiding gun owners," Manchin said, explaining that the background checks are designed "to keep people from having guns who shouldn't have them."
Tell me again, how does any of this strengthen my right as a legal gun owner?

Oh man. I'm just frothing over this.