Thursday, April 10, 2014

From our friends at:

Californians: Register and Vote for Your Freedom 

Leave No Pro-Second Amendment Vote Behind
Your Consistent Vote is the Key to Success for California Gun Owners’ Rights

Thanks to new voter registration technologies and permanent vote by mail balloting, the power to win elections is in your hands.

Many Californians who believe in the right to keep and bear arms mistakenly believe that their vote won’t make a difference.  They are wrong!  Becoming a permanent vote by mail voter helps increase voter turnout significantly enough to swing elections!  If every single gun owner and believer in the right to keep and bear arms registered to vote and always voted by mail, we could turn back the onslaught of gun bans coming from state and local politicians in California.

Register to vote online at   And you can become a permanent vote by mail voter at

Do it now, and help the Second Amendment in California!  California is living proof of the truth of the slippery slope of ever-expanding gun bans.  But if every gun owner and Second Amendment supporter voted in every election, the tide would be turned!  Help make it happen – Register to Vote Today!

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