Friday, August 30, 2019

I'm looking for a synchronous electric motor. With your parts expertise would you know where I could find a replacement? I've tried the manufacturer of the item it comes from and they no longer support the parts for the machine. Then I went on the lookout all over the internet and can't find just the right one. Either the wattage is wrong or rpm is either faster or slower or the shaft is the wrong dimension. The darn nylon gear gave way due to age and it's useless. All the rest of the machine works just fine. The darn thing failed over a $10 part. Well, I guess I did get 20 years of use out of it. Pictures are here. Specs are on the motor in the picture.

Priceless Pakistan knife

Monday, August 12, 2019

True for You but Not for Me

Individual truth denies there is a universal truth. Yet if everyone has individual truth isn't that true for everyone?

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Thursday, August 1, 2019


We must work hard to always tell the truth. Verify what you hear as truth and question it. Don't perpetuate a misquote. There are so many things we've been told by "experts" that are vague examples at best and downright misleading lies at worst that get perpetuated and turned in to some sort of truism. With the advent of the internet, these nontruths get passed on very quickly and 'if it's on the internet and everybody says it, it must be true', will be the bane of this generation. Things are misquoted and passed on as the actual quote. As an example, we've heard the phrase, "Play it again, Sam", and it's attributed to Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) in the movie, Casablanca. Well, Blaine never said that, yet we believe he did because someone misquotes it and confuses it with a title of a goofy movie by Woody Allen and we pass it on. Another example? Here's a twisted truth. Bible Misquote- Money is the root of all evil. It's misquoted and the truth is twisted. Read it for yourself- 1 Timothy 6:10. It's like the game, Telephone. It gets mistold every time it's passed on, but for some reason, unlike the game, it settles in on a misheard misquote and its planted there forever. Until someone like you tells the truth. There is a force at work that wants to twist the truth and present something to you that just isn't so. Fight against it. There is no "my truth" as is stated these days. If that were so, then there are many truths and therefore there is no truth. That's another one that will destroy mankind. There is only "The Truth" and you must find it because "The truth will set you free". What is the truth? John 14:6 tells us. We must have only one standard, and test everything we hear and are tempted to say against that one standard, that one truth.