Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Let's work at defeating these bills!

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The 2014 California legislative session is scheduled to adjourn on Sunday, August 31, but it is expected that they will probably try to finish up next Friday, August 29.  Accordingly, it is CRITICAL that you call AND e-mail your state Senator and Assemblyman every day urging them to OPPOSE the anti-gun bills below.  Also, please forward this alert to your family, friends, fellow gun owners and sportsmen in California urging them to contact their state legislators to OPPOSE the anti-gun bills below.  Contact information for your state can be found here: https://www.firearmspolicy.org/act/

In CA the following three anti-gun Assembly bills could be considered on the Senate floor any time before August 31st

Assembly Bill 1609
Assembly Bill 2310
Assembly Bill 1014
In CA the following three anti-gun Senate bills could be considered on the Assembly floor any time before August 31st

Senate Bill 53
Senate Bill 199
Senate Bill 808

Some good news in CA: Senate Bill 580 was held in the Assembly Appropriations Committee and is now considered defeated for the year!