Saturday, September 14, 2013

Thank you to all members who took the time to write and/or call legislators. For a complete listing of bills tracked by California Rifle & Pistol Association  please refer to the Bill Status Update on the California Rifle & Pistol Association website here.

Thanks to your emails, phones calls, and letters the following bills were defeated.

Public school health centers. Amended by author into a health bill; no longer a firearms bill.

Taxation: ammunition: School-Based Early Mental Health Intervention and Prevention Services Matching Grant Program: Public Safety Emergency Prevention Fund. Proposed a 10% gross receipt tax on ammunition retailers.

Income taxes: credit: gun buybacks. Proposed to give a tax credit (up to $5,000), for gun buy backs conducted by cities.

Taxes: ammunition sales. Proposed to impose a tax of .05 per item of ammunition or reloading components sold at retail.

AB 1020 (Rob Bonta, D)  
Firearms: notice to purchasers. Proposed to require the Attorney General to issue a letter, during the 10-day waiting period, to firearm purchasers advising of safe storage requirements and laws relating to gun trafficking.

Firearms: assault weapons. Proposed a ban on centerfire semi-auto firearms equipped with bullet buttons.

Ammunition: purchase permits. Proposed to require purchasers to obtain an annual permit, issued by the Department of Justice, to purchase ammunition and limit purchases to face-to-face transactions through a licensed ammunition vendor. This bill would ban mail order and internet sales of ammunition.

Firearms. Amended on 8/14/13 into a Study Bill. Requires Department of Justice to conduct a study on local ordinances pertaining to safe storage of firearms. Report to be sent to the legislature by 1/1/16.

Firearms: owner-authorized handguns. Proposed to require any new handguns sold in California to be equipped with owner recognition technology.

Firearms: magazine capacity. Proposes to ban all magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, regardless of the date acquired.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

State Issues
 AB 134CCW PRIVACYLogue/Mansoor

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


The Senate is heading toward the most intense debate on gun control since the 1994 crime bill was passed.

< click the image to go to the video.

There is yet a criminal that would use the channels we are speaking about here to get a gun.  

How is a mentally ill person going to be stopped from getting a gun through this process, if there isn't a criminal record?

--1999-2009 1.8 mil blocked gun sales?
Majority of that was due to things like parking tickets, and other small traffic violations, vehicular accidents as well as lawsuit filings that occurred that put up a flag in the system because the person was being looked into starting with local law enforcement. This was not the FBI stopping the sale.

--For Pennsylvainia?
Well isn't that great for them. Let the state decide what is needed! Feds need to stay out of State business. In reality this just forbids me from giving my son a gun for his birthday without a record of transfer. (read registration). 

--And won't require record keeping by any private citizens.
What? Of course not. The Feds will keep all those records. 

--The bill would also create a commission "to study the causes of mass violence in the United States, looking at all aspects of the problem" including guns, school safety, violent video games and mental health.
MORE government. That's just great. And since when did legislating morality actually work? We can see how that stops people from robbing a bank, or selling drugs. No don't get me wrong, having a law that prohibits an immoral activity tells a lot about how the society may feel about it, but without a follow through with appropriate punishment (consequence) it's useless. They guy tat perpetrated the crime in Aurora CO, should have the book thrown at him, not sit around waiting to see if he qualifies for a punishment. I think the crime he committed, qualifies him just fine. Also in the case of a suicide after murder, I think people want to feel some justification so they turn on the ones who are innocent (you and me). It's like slapping the kid who didn't actually play with the matches, but because he's within arm's reach, he'll do.

--"We strengthen rights of law-abiding gun owners," Manchin said, explaining that the background checks are designed "to keep people from having guns who shouldn't have them."
Tell me again, how does any of this strengthen my right as a legal gun owner?

Oh man. I'm just frothing over this.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Legislators from others states do listen!

From Senator Michael Lee, Utah

February 28, 2013

Thank you for writing to Senator Lee regarding gun rights. The Senator always appreciates hearing from fellow Americans. As we start the 113th Congress, he will continue to advocate policies and proposals that are centered in constitutionally -limited government. Your ideas will be shared with Senator Lee. He is firmly committed to having meaningful dialogue with thoughtful citizens regarding the critical issues facing Utah and the Nation.

Senator Lee remains firmly committed to defending the Constitution and its Second Amendment, and will continue to advocate legislation that protects Americans in their lives and liberties.

Thank you again for writing and if there is anything we can do to be of assistance in the future, please don't hesitate to contact our office.

Best regards,

Pete Blair Office of Senator Michael S. Lee (202) 224-5444


And the text From The President's letter:

Dear Xxxxxxx:

Thank you for taking the time to write.  I have heard from many Americans regarding firearms policy and gun violence in our Nation, and I appreciate your perspective.  From Aurora to Newtown to the streets of Chicago, we have seen the devastating effects gun violence has on our American family.  I join countless others in grieving for all those whose lives have been taken too soon by gun violence.

Like the majority of Americans, I believe the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms.  In this country, we have a strong tradition of gun ownership that has been handed down from generation to generation.  Hunting and sport shooting are part of our national heritage.  Yet, even as we acknowledge that almost all gun owners in America are responsible, when we look at the devastation caused by gun violence—whether in high-profile tragedies or the daily heartbreak that plagues our cities—we must ask ourselves whether we are doing enough.

While reducing gun violence is a complicated challenge, protecting our children from harm should not be a divisive one.  Most gun owners agree that we can respect the Second Amendment while keeping an irresponsible, law-breaking few from inflicting harm on a massive scale.  Most also agree that if we took commonsense steps to curtail gun violence, there would be fewer atrocities like the one that occurred in Newtown.  We will not be able to stop every violent act, but if there is even one thing we can do to reduce gun violence—if even one life can be saved—then we have an obligation to try.

That is why I asked Vice President Joe Biden to identify concrete steps we can take to keep our children safe, help prevent mass shootings, and reduce the broader epidemic of gun violence in this country.  He met with over 200 groups representing a broad cross-section of Americans and heard their best ideas.  I have put forward a specific set of proposals based off of his efforts, and in the days ahead, I intend to use whatever weight this office holds to make them a reality.

My plan gives law enforcement, schools, mental health professionals, and the public health community some of the tools they need to help reduce gun violence.  These tools include strengthening the background check system, helping schools hire more resource officers and counselors and develop emergency preparedness plans, and ensuring mental health professionals know their options for reporting threats of violence.  And I directed the Centers for Disease Control to study the best ways to reduce gun violence—because it is critical that we understand the science behind this public health crisis.

As important as these steps are, they are not a substitute for action from Congress.  To make a real and lasting difference, members of Congress must also act.  As part of my comprehensive plan, I have called on them to pass some specific proposals right away.  First, it is time to require a universal background check for anyone trying to buy a gun.  Second, Congress should renew the 10-round limit on magazines and reinstate and strengthen the assault weapons ban.  We should get tougher on those who buy guns with the purpose of selling them to criminals, and we should impose serious punishments on anyone who helps them do this.

These are reasonable, commonsense measures that have the support of the majority of the American people.  But change will not come unless the American people demand it from their lawmakers.  Now is the time to do the right thing for our children, our communities, and the country we love.  We owe the victims of heartbreaking national tragedies and the countless unheralded tragedies each year nothing less than our best effort—to seek consensus in order to save lives and ensure a brighter future for our children.

Thank you, again, for writing.  I encourage you to to learn more about my Administration’s approach.


Barack Obama

You should be concerned.

So where is Due Process? Under the 5th and 14th amendment you have that right. What about seizure? 4th amendment. Was there a warrant? And what about "registered" guns? California has no gun registration according to their laws, but the word "registration" is used by Attorney General Kamala Harris according to this news report. There is a Hand Gun "report" if you move in from another state, but that's it. Nothing for rifles or shotguns at this time:

It's coming folks. DOJ could just come to your home because you may have been profiled as someone who may not qualify for what ever reason and have you property seized.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Federal 113th Congress

Use FPC’s powerful advocacy tools to send Congress a message and oppose new gun control laws. It’s easy! Just click on each bill you want to Take Action on and use the PopVox action forms to tell your elected members and their staff that your Second Amendment rights are not up for debate.

Click Here to Start sending letters!

There is an unprecedented amount of legislation that we must stake a stand against.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Let's get busy. Select your state below and let's get to writing some letters and getting our voice heard. DO IT TODAY. DON'T DELAY! Sorry for yelling, but it's important and I'm passionate about it.

Feinstein Goes For Broke With New Gun-Ban Bill 
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)—author of the federal “assault weapon” and “large” ammunition magazine ban of 1994-2004—has announced that on the first day of the new Congress—January 3rd— she will introduce a bill to which her 1994 ban will pale by comparison. CLICK HERE to read the full story on Feinstein's plan >>

Find Your Officials

powered by CQ Roll Call ©2013

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Hey Folks,

If you ever find a need to purchase via Amazon, go to this page and use the search box you'll see at the top right.!merch/cjg9  Bookmark this link!

I'm now an Amazon affiliate. It can be anything, not just the items you see specifically pictured. When you purchase through TSG, you're helping out the folks at TSG compound!

Or, go straight to Amazon by clicking the image below.

Thank you!

The Shootin' Guy

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wow, looks like homicide has been on the decline since even after the AWB saw sundown in 2004. More population and less homicide over the years. Don't hear that in the news do ya?

Click on the pic to see for yourself.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Sign it!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Watch this!You have GOT TO WATCH THIS!!! This is how we should react when faced with second amendment opposition. This Vet is calm, cool, and does not back down. Love this!! 


Saturday, February 2, 2013

This Is Your Call To Action!

Write, call and email the
Senate Judiciary Committee
by clicking here

Below are 2 letters.
Use # 1 for Solid pro-gun Senators, #2 for the ones who don't see things the way we do. If you don't like the letters, it's ok, use it as a spring board and write your own. Just do something! Remember to change the names to match who you are sending to. Check the date on the letter and put the date that reflects when you send it or fax it. Please sign it and put you contact info at the bottom. You'll only be taken seriously if you so.



 31 January 2013
Senator Orrin Hatch
104 Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Hatch:

I thank you for your continued resistance against the proposed AWB legislation in all its forms (currently S. 150). I know you stand with your constituents in protecting our Constitution and its provisions like the 2nd Amendment in its entirety. However if you need more leverage in committee please communicate the following to the members:

1) A huge campaign of disinformation on guns is pushed daily on our TVs and devices. It has nothing to do with public safety and preventing future mass shootings of innocent people; no gun law would have stopped Adam Lanza. Violent criminals will always break laws and be violent, with all kinds of devices. They will steal and disobey any laws that stand in their way; just like in CT. If we truly wish to increase public safety then we should make laws whereby immediate armed response by good civilians is allowed and encouraged. Now that will save our children and stop these senseless massacres by madmen.

2) This movement is more ominous in nature and it ties into an alarming political change in the US. The exact kind our forefathers worried about. It seeks to fully disarm the American people over a period of years. This is NOT Constitutional. The proposed AWB and its associated bans (magazines) will make great inroads to this purpose. In doing so it could threaten public safety and perhaps even rule of law as its enforcement is attempted. This could lead to civil unrest or even worse as many refuse to comply with such unconstitutionality and seizure of private property. I and millions of others wish to prevent this and work to preserve rule of law in this country.

3) Americans are entitled to own semi-automatic firearms with their ‚”high capacity” magazines in order to resist possible tyranny. Even with these we are outgunned. This isn’t some far-fetched, ridiculous extremist notion but a lesson simply born of history. Our Bill of Rights was specifically included by our forefathers to protect this important right of self-defense and of being armed. It ranks only behind freedom of speech in importance. The 2nd ensures the others rights can remain protected. It also ensures the government answers to the people and prevents the destruction of personal liberty, which we are seeing right now with Obama.

With my greatest respect,

Your Name
City State Zip
Phone Number



30 January 2013
Senator Al Franken 
309 Hart Office Building
Washington, DC

Dear Senator Franken:

I thank you for your willingness to consider the pro-freedom side of the proposed AWB (currently S. 150). Millions of Americans like me are mobilizing to let our voices be heard: Please oppose the AWB and all its related registration and banning iterations. Since this is a national issue I feel compelled to contact you. Please consider the following facts in the debate:

1) A huge campaign of disinformation on guns is pushed daily on our TVs and devices. It has nothing to do with public safety and preventing future mass shootings of innocent people; no gun law would have stopped Adam Lanza and dozens of laws were broken by him, both federal and state. Violent criminals break laws and are violent and they don’t need guns to kill people. If we truly wish to increase public safety then we should make laws whereby immediate armed response by good civilians is allowed and encouraged. Now that will save our children and stop these senseless massacres by madmen.

2) Confiscation is the end goal. Senator Feinstein has stated this several times. This is NOT Constitutional. S. 150 AWB, a first step in this process, seeks to disarm good American citizens from all races and backgrounds. Of course criminals will ignore this law as well, refuting the very arguments put forth in committee by its proponents. The honest debate would be blatant and complete gun confiscation in America. This AWB threatens public safety and perhaps even rule of law as its enforcement is attempted. This could lead to civil unrest or even worse as many refuse to comply with such unconstitutionality and seizure of private property. I, and millions of others wish to prevent this and work to preserve rule of law in this country.

3) Americans are entitled to own semi-automatic firearms with their ”high capacity” magazines in order to resist possible tyranny. Even with these we are outgunned. This isn’t some far-fetched, ridiculous extremist notion but a lesson simply born of history. Our Bill of Rights was specifically included by our forefathers to protect this important right of self-defense and of being armed. It ranks only behind freedom of speech in importance. The 2nd ensures the others rights can remain protected. It also ensures the government answers to the people and prevents the destruction of personal liberty, which we are seeing right now with Obama. The issue has nothing to do with hunting, sport shooting, competing, or gun collecting.

Any registration scheme should be rejected as it is unenforceable and may lead to civil unrest in this country. On this point alone, please REJECT all AWB proposals so we may continue to be a Republic by and for the people. You will find gun owners cannot compromise more and we will simply vote out in 2014 supporters of such unconstitutional law. We watch your vote closely, thank you for rejecting it, and will support you in re-election if you reject this AWB! It is our most important issue.

Thank you for your consideration,

Your Name
City State Zip
Phone Number